
Mindful Art in Autumn – 6 week course

This 6 week course is a wonderful opportunity to explore the precious season of Autumn through the arts. Within Ann’s quirky, creative WW2 hut,  you can enjoy the freedom of expression through the art of meditation and the mediums of painting and drawing.
‘As Autumn is now upon us we can already see some leaves change colour and loosen their grip, relaxing and letting go of their branches. They will swirl and dance and flow until they eventually land gently upon the ground’, Artist Euphemia Murphy will  guide the sessions, where you can use found nature objects, photographs etc to inspire you and encourage play.
Ann will begin each session with a mindfulness meditation to support relaxation and connection to the present moment. This will enable your mind to rest and allow space for creativity to be nurtured. You will be provided with some materials but may wish to bring your own eg. water colours, pencils, pens and brushes.